Apitherapy – the therapy using bees and their products

Bees. Insect, which we do not even notice, is very important forour planet and humanity. Polls 80% of the crop. Of course, other insects can do it too, but when we reach a field or a set of bees, we can have up to 30% more production, and the cultivated plants are more quality.
Expressed in money: in 2016 the value of bees for Europe alone was estimated at 594 billion crowns (22 bil. eur ).
Bees help us survive, but also to restore health. Physical and even mental.
Where bees live within one kilometer to one year will greatly improve environment.
Nature is very powerful. Perhaps we are beginning to realize at this time that we have almost everything we need to live and heal. We do not have to invent anything. We should only re-learn to use these purely natural gifts.
Bees and bee products are one of them.
I will try to mediate the knowledge and knowledge of bees on these pages from the point of view of their beneficial effects on human health. Everything is based on three levels:
- a general description of the topic and the rough outline of the use and/or its effects
- a general description of the use and content, a description of the effects and procedures, simple ranks of beekeepers and apiterapists from around the world
- medical and scientific studies with professional description
I will try to separate these 3 levels from each other, but it will not always be easy and sharp.
Obligatory Notice: These pages are not a guide to how to treat yourself. Consult your doctor for advice.